How to See Orcas in Cornwall – Our Top Tips
03 / April / 2024
If you’re wondering how to see orcas in Cornwall, you’re not alone. Since reported sightings of the UK’s only resident killer whale family in Cornwall in 2021, orca spotting has become very popular in this part of the country.
While these magnificent creatures are an incredible sight when seen in any part of the world, witnessing them in the South West of England can be a slightly surreal but truly unforgettable experience.
If you’re longing to catch a glimpse of majestic orcas gliding gracefully through the waters off the coast of Cornwall, here’s how to increase your chances during your next visit to this fascinating county.
Pick the Best Times
Timing is key when it comes to spotting orcas in Cornwall. While they are known to frequent the waters around the UK coastline, their appearances can be sporadic and unpredictable.
Late spring to early autumn is generally considered the best time for sightings, as orcas follow their prey, such as seals and dolphins, which are more abundant during these seasons.
Choose the Best Locations
Spotting Orcas requires insider knowledge and strategic planning, but as anyone fortunate enough to have seen these breathtaking creatures will tell you, it’s well worth the effort.
Familiarise yourself with prime locations where orcas have been spotted in the past, such as the waters around Land’s End, Trevose Head, Mevagissey and the Lizard Peninsula, and set up camp within reasonable driving or boating distance.
Join Wildlife Tours and Excursions
Several reputable tour operators offer guided boat trips specifically designed for spotting marine mammals, including orcas.
These tours are led by experienced guides who are familiar with the local waters and the behaviour of orcas.
As well as offering the most qualified information on how to see orcas in Cornwall, they’ll often use specialist equipment, for example, hydrophones to listen for orca vocalisations and maximise your chances of an encounter.
Stay Informed Through Wildlife Networks
Join online wildlife-watching communities or subscribe to local wildlife sighting networks.
These platforms often provide real-time updates on recent sightings, allowing you to adjust your plans accordingly and increase your chances of success.
Bring Essential Equipment
Pack useful equipment such as binoculars, a camera with a telephoto lens, and sunscreen, and wear layered clothing to stay comfortable and warm during your wildlife-watching excursion.
A pair of polarised sunglasses can also help reduce glare when scanning the water’s surface.
Choose Early Morning or Late Evening Excursions
Orcas are more active during low light conditions, making early morning or late evening excursions ideal for spotting them.
The seas are often calmer during these times, enhancing visibility and increasing the likelihood of successful sightings.
How to See Orcas in Cornwall by Observing Weather Conditions
Weather conditions can significantly impact your ability to spot orcas. Keep an eye on weather forecasts and choose days with calm seas and good visibility.
Overcast days may offer better lighting conditions for spotting marine life beneath the water’s surface.
Where to Stay for Your Orca Spotting Adventure
Looking for the perfect place to stay when planning a life-changing orca encounter?
Look no further! Pack your binoculars and get ready to be captivated by the awe-inspiring beauty of orcas, humpback whales and dolphins in Cornwall.
These magnificent creatures have been spotted all over the Cornish coast, from Trevose Head near Padstow, all the way to Mevagissey and close to the Lizard Peninsula. There have even been several humpback whale sightings in Polperro and Looe.
You’ll be perfectly situated for all kinds of marine explorations when you book a stay at our celebrated Tregoad Holiday Park in Looe, just 8 minutes from Looe Sea Safari.